Thursday, August 31, 2006

Noise Cancelling Headphones Connect to Your Music Player and Mobile

You can block out the world around you, yet still stay connected via your Mobile.

Skullcandy Proletariat Noise Cancelling Headphones with LINK Technology


Hands On Review by Judie Hughes
August 28, 2006

"I should start this review with the statement that anybody who travels needs a set of noise reducing headphones. But the fact is that NR headphones shouldn't just be used when sitting on a plane next to a frustrated parent who is holding a squalling baby. NR headphones are a great way to cut out any obnoxious background noise, they can make things quiet enough that the wearer can sleep, relax, or even work more productively in the noisiest environment. When used in conjunction with a set of NR headphones, digital music players can put the listener inside their own personal music studio - with no external noises to mar the quality of the audio."

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